Sunday, 19 June 2011

There and back again...

Hello all.

It has been a long time since I posted on this blog and in all honesty I had almost given up trying to catch up. Nevertheless it felt like this TREK journey as I have documented it here felt like it needed some closure...So here it is my final post on this blog:

The last week we were in Baguio was an emotional roller coaster. Goodbyes, sharing, meals together with friends who had become family... it was all a blessing, but a dose of reality that this time was coming to an end. We had talked a lot about "finishing well" and in all honesty... I think we did. I think we made an impact and a huge impact had been made on us. We will miss the Arcano family and the rest of our brothers and sisters in Christ in Baguio City and the Philippines.

And home to debrief... It wasn't quite the arrival we had expected. Especially because we arrived with 3 out of 4 of our team mates. Chris was held back because of an eye-infection and he couldn't get on a plane until a few days later. Through prayer and faith though, many obstacles were overcome (including no flights available home) and he eventually arrived back in Canada. It was hard starting the debrief process with a teammate still gone, but eventually we did. It was good. We got to process the plethora of thoughts racing around in our head, sort out the emotions we had about leaving and being back, and pray and plan for the future.

It was also a time for goodbyes. More goodbyes... I've found one more thing to add to a dislike list.

Despite them... I felt a newfound readiness and anticipation for what was to come next. And what is next? That's a pretty popular question I've been getting. As it goes, I'm looking for a job. A kinesiology job to be specific. I'm also looking to find a place of ministry I can invest my time and life into. The whole TREK thing rubbed off on me I guess... God works in some awesome ways. Oh, and it looks like I get to work on being an uncle as well =)

It really does feel like life is moving into a whole new season for me. Responsibilities (more of them), a new clarity on where I feel I'm being called and where I should invest myself... and new adventures to come. It feels strange that this TREK experience is over about as fast as it started and yet, in the words of a wise man called JP, the job is only half done.

Amidst "getting on with my life" I'm now somewhat endowed with some stories to tell... not about me, not about all the amazing people I've met, but about how the God who made the universe and holds it together has decided to care about the seemingly insignificant happenings of our lives and make them into something amazing.

If you would like to hear some more about "Mo's TREK" firsthand then say the word and I'd love to sit and catch up with you. God bless.

Until my next adventure...
